Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Color Red

Did you know that I was actually named after a rainbow in Alaska? Probably not. I guess based on that, I could say that I represent all the colors of the rainbow… but isn’t everybody?
Lots of people like to think of themselves as wise or noble or maybe even silly…I however know that my true characteristic is passion. Although I try to hide it a lot, I have a lot of passion for what I want in life, which is often the trigger for my aggression and competitiveness in life.
Even when I was younger, my aggressiveness was evident. You see, when I was young I was an extremely good swimmer. So good in fact, that I didn’t want to race the girls anymore…. I wanted to beat the boys. The next meet, I went up to the official and asked if I could “please race the boys?” And you know what she told me? She said, “It’s too hard for you, it will be a waste of time.” At that moment I knew I had to show her. At the start of the race I lined up with the boys, and even though everyone was yelling at me to get off the blocks, I dove in. As soon as I came out I could feel my cheeks burning red with exhaustion, and I stuck around just in time to find out the results. And guess what… I won. Unfortunately…I wasn’t given a ribbon because I wasn’t registered for the event…but that was beyond the point. I had won.
Sometimes I wonder if all my aggressiveness is a good thing, but I know I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have the red spark in me. My mother often tells me that it’s a trait that the women in our family have, because she and her mother before her were the exact same way. In fact, my grandmother was so red with desire, that even before women were meant to have jobs, she told her husband, “I’m getting a job and you’re going to like it.” Talk about fire huh?
The red passion that runs in my family is so great, and for this I am so thankful. It contributes to my dreams of becoming a doctor, in ways you cannot even imagine. For instance, before the start of this year I began an EMT course, as well as carrying a full course in high school. It has been extremely trying at times, and I often feel as though I don’t have anymore energy to keep going. But somehow… I always do. I believe it’s my fierce determination as well as my passion for others that constantly pushes me to complete the tasks at hand.
It has been said that every woman has at least four personalities within her soul. As for me, and my red streak, I believe I most often show my aggressiveness, anger, passion, and determination. Therefore, regardless of how many personalities I represent, I believe they can all be boiled down to one color. Red.


Cole said...

This was a very good essay. The story tied into the color concept so well, and you did a great job showing how you really are red, and what traits apply to you. This was written so well.

Cole said...

This was a very good essay. The story tied into the color concept so well, and you did a great job showing how you really are red, and what traits apply to you. This was written so well.

Papa Bear said...

I met your mom at the gas station on Friday, but that is beside the point. Nice introduction using the rainbow object. It really drew attention in. Good job.