Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Soulja Boy said...

I thought that was a very good story. I also believe that negatives almost always end up having positive outcomes and even in the worst case scenarios you atleast learn and grow from the experience. You do have a very outgoing personality and I guess now I know why this is. I never had to move so I don't know what it's like but that's something i've always been scared of because making new friends in a new place and leaving behind all your old friends would be tough. Well you had a very inciteful story and I think you did a great job!

funnykid17 said...

i have lived in sussex my entire life and im scared to move because i see they way people look at new kids and i would never want to be one. It most of been hard and i think its a perfect story for this essay. Good job i really liked it

Writer130 said...

Since this is your senior year, you will soon be making another big change: moving from school either to college or to the work world. The process of dealing with change will be the same. Good luck!